Scent of Fear? (How to tell if fear is effecting you)

Hello again dear readers, welcome back. Last time we learned the nuts and bolts of FEAR. Today, I want to shed some light not on what fear is, but how it effects us.

With widespread fear in the world today, it’s easy to think you, yourself, are an island of peace. Strong and unfazed. And while that may be true, in your higher brain at least, fear effects have a sneaky little way of creeping in. Especially when the fear is constantly surrounding us.

How? Good question. Muse with me a moment.

Let’s compare Fear to a strong perfume.

One everyone around you is using. At first you scoff or mock the cloying scent that’s become so popular. Let’s say you don’t like the smell, so you chose not to spray yourself. But….everyone else in your neighborhood loves it. The scent wafts on the breeze when someone opens a window. Now perhaps you gag when you smell it, becoming annoyed by the fact this smell is everywhere. However life goes on, there is commercials for the new scent on TV or the radio, even your inner circle of friends and loved ones are using it. Untill, you cant go anywhere at all without the scent being all around. Even at the grocery store the perfume permeates everything, overpowering the smell of fresh baked pastries. When you first enter the store the smell slams you in the face, but you need to get your shopping done so you overcome your instinct and press forward. A funny thing starts to happen, after a little while you don’t even notice the smell anymore (we’ve all seen the ‘Nose Blind’ commercials from Febreeze right? ). By the time you leave the store not only have you become accustomed to the stench of the perfume, but you yourself are coated in it. Your hair, skin, clothes. Even your breath has taken on the smell. Little by little you’ve lost your aversion as you embrace the new normal.

Fear has the same sort of ‘blindness’ factor as scent. Once you’ve been super exposed (as in the example above), Fear is now effecting you, whether you wanted it to or not.

So if we can’t smell Fear -[ yes, I know, there are multiple studies on pheromones and the odors of emotional states, let’s not go into that subject today ]- how cant it be so permeable? More importantly, how can we tell if it’s working on us or our loved ones?

I bet you can already guess, since you one of the many brilliant humans on the planet!


[ ob-zur-vey-shuhn ]


  • an act or instance of noticing or perceiving
  • an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching
  • the faculty or habit of observing or noticing
  • notice: to escape a person’s observation
  • an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose: the observation of blood pressure under stress.
  • the information or record secured by such an act

That’s right! It all starts with being observant. Being aware. Noticing what is going on. What we can observe becomes what we know. Mindfulness will help you achieve proper observation.

Some physical symptoms of fear working on you include sweating, cold hands or feet, even decreased appetite. This is the bodies attempt to increase blood flow to your core and large muscle systems. Heartburn, nausea, headaches, skin rashes, muscle soreness and even joint pain can be a physical reaction to the prolonged exposure to fear. New ‘habits’ can also be a sign of long term exposure to Fear. Habits such as nail biting, teeth grinding, muscle twitching, hair tugging or foot tapping. Being jumpy, easily startled or ‘wide eyed’ to normal sensory input. The list goes on and on dear reader, but all in all the basic thing to be observant of is the NEW.

The why of the physical reactions is simple to understand if you keep in mind that Fear is supposed to be an instantaneous instinctive behavioral response to mortal danger. Not something your body, or mind, is equipped to maintain for any extended period of time. So, by being inundated with Fear chemicals, it isn’t long before your body starts showing the wear and tear.

Now, let’s talk mental! The effects of Fear on your mental and emotional health are as varied and multifaceted as each individual human is. There is no specific reaction that can be said to happen 100% of the time to all people everywhere. So how can you tell if Fear is effecting you (or a loved one) mentally?

Same answer as above. Be Observant!

Some common signs that Fear is working on your mental health, are not surprisingly shown through our emotional behaviors first. Short tempers, random sadness/tears, withdrawal and general brain fog. All of these observer-able emotional behaviors can be attributed to the oppressive presence of sustained Fear. Usually followed by other easily overlooked mental symptoms like depression, anxiety, abuse (self or to others), self medicating and more.

So be kind to your body and be observant! You, dear reader, know more about you or those people closest to you, than anybody else. Are you feeling physically different? Has someone close to you begun to behave differently recently? Have you begun noticing a more rapid heartbeat? Change in bowel habits? Has your child or spouse been more moody lately?

Don’t just Be Observant, reach out.

Now that you know what fear is, and how it can creep up and effect us, do your part in keeping you and your loved ones safe!

Reach out and talk to someone! While it might seem things on earth have gotten dire and our personal worlds have gotten small, remember dear reader, You are an important and loved member of the grand Human race! There are hundreds of people out there right now that want to help. Let them! From Medical Professionals and Councilors to loved ones and friends. Reach out and let others know you are struggling.

Or reach out yourself and offer that part of you only you have to offer! Be a shining light in someone else’s fear soaked world.

Join me next time as we take a look at how to fight fear and its effects in our own lives.


Have you battled with Fear recently? Please share your experience! It’s invaluable and may be the beacon of hope someone else needs right now.

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